Heritage and Conservation

Specialist Conservation Architects

Over time, listed buildings can fall into disrepair, with many suffering from years of neglect, the impact of adverse weather conditions. Or occasionally, from failed attempts to fix or maintain the building’s historic fabric. Whatever the reason, it is important that we restore these buildings so that they can evolve and can be enjoyed long into the future.

Our expertise and knowledge allow us to carefully navigate the sensitive process of renovating an historic building. Or conserving its environment as we build a new structure. We work with specialist consultants to help guide our clients through the sometimes more challenging design and planning process of dealing with a listed building. We pride ourselves in transforming historic buildings into somewhere with a new lease of life.

Specialist Conservation Architects

Refurbishing an Existing Historic Building

As Architects, our focus is always to protect an historic, listed building and to return its fabric to its original glory. That might mean that we renovate the existing building by removing any previous additions that aren’t suitable to the original building, before reinstating the former character. We do this through employing methods of construction suitable to the era the building was originally constructed. Through using the appropriate building materials.

By understanding a building’s fabric, age of construction and purpose, we can bring them back in to use for modern day living. Appropriate design changes will require Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent, of which we have successfully gained for several clients in recent years. Refurbishing a listed building doesn’t need to be difficult. With the right skills, attention to detail and a sympathetic design: we have found that the challenge of breathing a new lease of life into an old building can bring with it the most rewarding results.


Extending Historic Buildings

When designing an extension to a listed building, we believe that we should respect the existing fabric and that any new addition should be appropriate to the age in which it was built. Our designs are often based around enhancing the original building and complementing it with a more contemporary structure. This allows the original building to transform without taking away any of its historic character.

New Buildings with Special Locations

Constraints around what can be built within Conservation Areas, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and within Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) are commonly found. Especially within Dorset, the New Forest National Park, Hampshire, Wiltshire and across the South Coast of England. Our design approach for these sensitive locations will always complement any historic context. We believe that creating new architecture in sensitive locations must be carefully considered and primarily be influenced by its surrounding landscape.


Consent to Build, Refurbish or Extend

It is essential that the appropriate consents are gained from your Local Planning Authority. Ahead of starting any work on Listed Buildings, within Conservation Areas. On Sites of Special Scientific Interests (SSSI) or within the grounds of an historic building. If you require specialist advice on any project relating to these areas ihd. would be very happy to help guide you through the process. We have many years of experience gaining the necessary approvals for building within sensitive places. We also have on-going relationships with specialist Consultants and Conservation Officers within many Local Authorities. Please get in touch via the form below to arrange an initial consultation.

Get in touch with us

If you would like to know more about the services that we offer, or have a project you would like to discuss with us, please complete the form below and someone from the team will come back to you soon. We offer a no obligation consultation, so that you can get to know us as we learn about your home.

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    In House Design Architects and Interior Design Wimborne Dorset

    We are open from Monday to Friday / 09:30 – 17:30



    6 Church Street, Wimborne. BH21 1JH

    +44 7889 364284

    In House Design Architects and Interior Design Wimborne Dorset
    In House Design Architects and Interior Design Wimborne Dorset